Paul Krugman(ポール・クルーグマン)といえば、アメリカを代表する経済学者の一人で、NY Timesの著名なコラムニストとして知られる。 2008年度には、ノーベル経済学賞も受賞している。 そんな…
Read moreCold Clarity and Creative Triumph: Samantha Harvey’s “Orbital” Wins the Booker Prize
From wild swimming to cold plunges, how icy waters and creative rituals can transform the mind—and maybe even win a Booker Prize. 🏊♀️❄️✨
Read how Samantha Harvey’s journey to Orbital inspired my own reflections on clarity and creativity. #BookerPrize #Creativity #ColdPlunge
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Writing on a single page, free from the notebook’s grasp.
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Exploring the timeless wisdom that connects East and West, I dive into the teachings of Marcus Aurelius and Yoshida Kenkō. Despite their different worlds, their reflections on life and humanity share a universal truth that still resonates today. Join me on this journey to discover how these ancient writings can inspire our modern lives.
#Stoicism #Philosophy #Meditations #EssaysInIdleness #UniversalWisdom”
How to Write a Bestseller: A Global Guide
In today’s world, the most successful business authors who achieve global recognition share certain common traits.
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Read more㊗2023年 ブッカー賞受賞! 受賞作はアイルランドの作家・ポール・リンチによる『Prophet Song』!
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