Lessons for Advanced Nations.
The end of an empire is not the end of influence. From Rome’s intellectual legacy to Venice’s cultural reinvention and Britain’s mastery of soft power, history teaches us that decline—if handled wisely—can be a nation’s greatest act. The question is not whether we fade, but how we choose to shape our lasting imprint on the world.
What Does It Mean to Truly Let Go?
Finding Peace in What We Cannot Change…
Read moreOn Italy (5): Damnatio Memoriae – Condemnation of memory, the art of erasing history.
Condemnation of memory, the art of erasing history.
What does lesson from Venice teach us today?
【読書】マッキンゼー 世界を操る権力の正体
【読了】マッキンゼー 世界を操る権力の正体
Read moreA Deep Dive into the Life of Marcus Aurelius: Understanding the Stoic Emperor Beyond His Words
Legendary Roman Emperor and his life philosophy.
Background knowledge to how “Meditations” was written and the ordeal Marcus Aurelius lived through.
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【読書】『リスボン大地震』 ニコラス・シュラディ著
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文豪・內田 百閒 に学ぶ読ませる秘訣!
【読書】部下を持ったら必ず読む「任せ方」の教科書 出口 治明 著
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