Condemnation of memory, the art of erasing history.
What does lesson from Venice teach us today?
The Art of Leadership: Lessons from Kenkō Yoshida and Marcus Aurelius for the Modern Leader
What do Marcus Aurelius & Kenkō Yoshida have in common?
Recurring theme in my project.
In an age of uncertainty, noise, and fleeting power, the greatest leaders draw from timeless wisdom. From the Stoic resilience of Aurelius to the quiet impermanence of Kenkō, leadership is more than strategy—it’s a state of mind.
#Leadership #Stoicism #Philosophy #Mindset #ExecutiveWisdom #KenkoYoshida #MarcusAurelius #ResilientLeadership
Read moreEmbracing the Idle Moments: Modern Stress Management Inspired by Tsurezuregusa
In the fast-paced world we live in, stress and anxiety often feel inescapable. However, the ancient wisdom found in Tsurezuregusa, a classic Japanese collection of essays by Yoshida Kenko, offers timeless insights into managing stress through mindfulness and embracing idle moments.
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現代のルネッサンス女性・Riva Tez について。
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What I learn from classics… and New Year resolution, kind of…
Expanding Horizons: Insights from the Aspen Institute’s Young Executive Seminar on Classical Literature.
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【実験】The Tale of the Heike – Chat GPT 4.0に訳してもらう
Chat GPT の活用方法をいろいろ模索中。
Seneca: How to keep your cool: an ancient guide to anger management
An Ancient Guide to Anger Management.
If one can’t kill it, then one should deal with it.