自分の生き方は自分が責任をもって生きる ー 今後の働き方やこれからの社会の在り方について考えるときにさんざん聞かされてきたメッセージだが、これほど肌身で感じたこともなかった気がする。
This blog took over from the one I originally started on Blogger. Looking back at past posts, some of them have undergone quite tasteful changes, so I’d like to update them on this new site. Interesting to see it is to look back at the changes that have taken place since then.
In September 2020, the Nikkei newspaper carried a very interesting feature article on the direction the world was going in the wake of the COVID 19 disaster. This feature article was later published in a book form, so many of you may have read it.
It was a series of very informative and instructive feature articles that urged the reconstruction of the values inherited from the 20th century, cemented with comments from experts in various fields.
Pax here stand for the Roman goddess of peace and order, and she had disappeared was the main theme taking into considerations global pandemic was so pressing back then.
Of course, the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 made the situation worse and more complicated than the point of September 2020, we can only hope the goddess Pax is only presumably missing and not permanently dead. In only a mere two years or less, the world has become a place where peace and order would not find themselves home, the whole VUCA in full swing.
According to this analysis published by the Japan Center for Economic Research on 28 July 2021, China alone will surpass the US with its size of economy by 2029. As noted in the aforementioned Nikkei article, we are in the midst of the first shift in economic hegemony in 150 years. East taking over West. The COVID 19 crisis has accelerated this flow of order change.
It has been a transformative two years now that I look back, both on work and life wise.
Remote working became the norm and we rarely hear a term After-Corona, but With-Corona is the direction we are headed.
“You are responsible for your own life” – a message we heard so many times when thinking about the future of work and the future of society, that we are the master of our own lives, we shouldn’t let our employers take over your lives. But I don’t think I have ever felt it so directly required in my own life than with these two years.
On a personal note, having chosen to take early retirement from the company I was working for and currently contemplating my next stage of life, I feel very keenly that the days when you could enjoy the benefits of affluence simply by belonging to a company are over.
I have shifted from days when we fulfilled the duties given to us by the organisation and called them achievements, to a more life centered era. I need to think more about what I want to do and what fruits I want to obtain.
No more days of Pax on my personal life.
If I had still been working for a large company as before, I might have thought about it only on an idea level. But it is all real now.
The world without pax was something happening to my personal life.
I’m now on my journey to find her back.